Monday, October 25, 2010

Class Meetings

We have class meetings every Friday where students have the opportunity to discuss problems in the classroom, propose solutions, and vote for new class officers. It's a great way to end the week!

September's Student of the Month

Moea was our class' student of the month for September. She is a great example to the other students and always does her best. She follows directions and helps students who need help. She is very kind to everyone around her and a great friend. Thanks for all your hard work Moea!

Every student in my class is AMAZING!!! It is very hard to choose just one student each month. I can't wait to see who our student of the month will be for October!

Quiet on the Set!

One of our fabulous parent volunteers came in and helped our students perform a play. Here is one of our groups hard at work!

Thank you for all of you parents who are coming in to help our class! We really appreciate all that you do!

If you are interested in volunteering in our class too then just e-mail Mrs. Mitchell at and let her know when you would be available to come and help.

3, 2, 1, Action!!

Performers came and put on a King Arthur play at our school. The play was very funny!
They told the story of how King Arthur came to be king by pulling a sword out of a stone. Once Arthur was king he was threatened that Sir Joure would kill him if Arthur could not figure out a riddle. The riddle was "What do women want the most?" The actors surveyed the women in the crowd and they got lots of answers! Some women wanted money, others wanted Wiis or horses, and still others wanted ice-cream or chocolate.
King Arthur did not know what to do. He met an old and ugly woman named Dame Ragnelle who told him that what women want most is sovereignty, which means the ability to make their own decisions. That was it! That was the answer to the riddle!

As a reward, Dame Ragnelle asked to marry the handsome Sir Gawain...Gawain wasn't very happy about this plan but he married her to help the king and she ended up turning in to a beautiful princess!